Portugal: Belém

Portugal: Belém

It has been an insanely…

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Getting myself mentally and emotionally prepared for making work is as important as actually making the work. The first step always is and always will be finding inspiration…

The year of 2013 has been quite a doozie for me. I’ve had three different jobs and teetered back and forth between “my dream is to become a…

One of the best things about being an artist is having other creative people in my life. We all forge our paths differently, but at our hearts we…

There’s really not much I can say about the stunning work of Takaya Hanayuishi that would do it true justice. As you can see from these photographs, his…

All I want to wear right now are sweaters and leggings. But it’s not really socially acceptable as a 7-days-a-week uniform so I used my brand-new Polyvore account…

During my college years, I spent many a night (and morning) toiling away at projects in my various classroom studios. At the time I dreaded it – the…